
What Is Three.js?

Three.js is a lightweight, cross-browser JavaScript library and Application Programming Interface (API) used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser. It is built on top of the WebGL renderer, allowing developers to create intricate 3D scenes and visualizations directly in web browsers without the need for specialized plugins.

This library provides a wide array of features to handle 3D graphics. These include cameras, lights, materials, shaders, and a host of geometrical shapes. Three.js simplifies the complex process of creating 3D graphics, making it more accessible to developers who might not have a deep background in 3D modeling or WebGL.

With its user-friendly interface and extensive documentation, Three.js has become a popular choice for web developers looking to incorporate 3D elements into their websites or online projects. It allows for the creation of interactive 3D experiences, ranging from simple models to complex and interactive virtual environments. This makes Three.js a powerful tool for web-based game development, architectural visualizations, artistic projects, and educational tools.

Why we use Three.js?

We use Three.js for its ability to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser. This JavaScript library leverages WebGL, allowing developers to render sophisticated 3D graphics without requiring users to install additional plugins.

Three.js is highly valued for its simplicity and ease of use, especially considering the complexity of 3D graphics programming. It provides an extensive set of functionalities, including cameras, lights, materials, shadows, and shaders, enabling developers to create visually impressive scenes with relatively less code.

The library is also compatible with various web browsers, ensuring a wide audience can access 3D content seamlessly. Its performance is optimized for real-time rendering, which is crucial for interactive applications such as games, simulations, and virtual reality experiences.

Furthermore, Three.js has a large and active community, offering abundant resources, examples, and tutorials. This community support makes it easier for newcomers to start with 3D web development and for experienced developers to solve complex challenges.

In summary, Three.js is used for its ability to bring 3D graphics to the web with ease, broad compatibility, and a supportive community, making it a go-to choice for web-based 3D graphics development.

How To Include Three.js in Your Projects?

To include Three.js in your projects, follow these straightforward steps.

First, you need to obtain the Three.js library. You can either download it from the Three.js website or include it directly from a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Using a CDN link in your HTML file is the easiest method. Simply add the following script tag in the head of your HTML file:

Replace <version> with the specific version of Three.js you wish to use. If you prefer to download and host the library yourself, place the three.min.js file in your project directory and link it in your HTML file similarly:

Once included, you can start using Three.js in your JavaScript code. Begin by creating a scene, camera, and renderer. These are the fundamental components for rendering any 3D content with Three.js. Instantiate these components and add your 3D objects, lights, and other necessary elements to the scene.

Finally, create a render loop to continuously render the scene, allowing for animations and interactive behaviors. This setup forms the basis of any Three.js project, and from here, you can explore the vast functionalities that Three.js offers for creating 3D web experiences.